

The District will allow sub-metering for multi-family dwellings (including condominiums and Common Interest Developments), mixed use, or non-residential user when the installation of separate water meters is not feasible and the user is utilizing water credits or an entitlement on a site that has a connection. Applications for sub-metering of single family dwellings will be considered when the Jurisdiction confirms there is no potential that the sub-metered user could be located on a separate site through subdivision or transfer of ownership of a portion of the Site. Approval of a Water Permit allowing sub-metering under this provision requires recordation of a deed restriction on the title of the property that encumbers current and future owners to comply with the following conditions:

Water Meters must be installed for each sub-metered user by the Water Distribution System Operator within ninety (90) days of the conclusion of a connection moratorium. It is recommended that the sub-meter(s) be located in or near the future meter box to facilitate this requirement. Once water meters maintained by the Water Distribution System Operator have been installed, the deed restriction will be removed.

When requested at the conclusion of the Water Year, the site’s owner must provide the District with individual monthly consumption for each user in a format acceptable to the District. Information shall identify the user of the sub-meter (e.g. apartment number or lease space number) and the number of residents in each residential dwelling unit or the type of use according to Rule 24, Table 2, for each non-residential user;

During Stage Four of the Monterey Peninsula Water Conservation and Rationing Plan (Regulation XV), sub-metered consumption shall be provided to the District monthly or more frequently if requested by the District;

The District will allow permanent sub-metering of all water use into one Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). An ADU contained within the existing space of a single family residence or accessory structure (e.g., studio, pool house, or other similar structure) is exempt from the submetering requirement. Sub-metering is, however, encouraged as a conservation tool that promotes the efficient use of water.

The District will allow permanent sub-metering of each user’s water use in a Multi-Family Dwelling or residential Common Interest Development of more than four units and into the project’s common areas. Approval of a Water Permit allowing sub-metering under this provision shall require recordation of a deed restriction the title of the property that encumbers current and future site/common area owners to comply with the following conditions:

When requested at the conclusion of the Water Year, the site’s owner must provide the District with individual monthly consumption for each user in a format acceptable to the District. Information shall identify the user of the sub-meter (e.g. apartment or condo number) and the number of residents in each dwelling unit and information about common area uses;

During Stage Four of the Monterey Peninsula Water Conservation and Rationing Plan (Regulation XV), sub-metered consumption must be provided to the District monthly or more frequently if requested by the General Manager.