Public Comment Email from John McPherson
Item 4 Status Report on Cal-Am Compliance with SWRCB Orders and Seaside Basin Decision as of March 1, 2023General Manager’s Report
Item 10 Consider Adoption of Apr – Jun 2023 Quarterly Water Supply Strategy and Budget for California American WaterStaff Presentation
Item 11 Consider Authorizing the General Manager to Enter into a Contract with Montgomery and Associates to Provide a Tularcitios Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) FeasibilityStaff Presentation
Item 12 Consider Approval of Additional Contingency Funds for the Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility Rearing Channel Rehabilitation ProjectStaff Presentation
Item 14 Consider Adoption of Mid-Year Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget AdjustmentStaff Presentation