Mitigation Program


One of the District’s main responsibilities is to monitor the effects of water production on the environment and work to reduce the negative impacts. In the 1980s, the District implemented several programs designed to sustain healthy riparian vegetation and a viable fishery, and to maintain the bed and banks of Carmel River. The Mitigation Program now incorporates all these activities into one plan for mitigating the adverse environmental effects of the Water Allocation Program.

Mitigation Program Begins

Aspects of the Mitigation Program started as early as 1984, with the Carmel River Management Plan that included plans to restore degraded reaches of the Carmel River. Then, in 1988 the “Interim Relief Plan” (IRP) was created to respond to the community’s environmental concerns with regards to steelhead in the drying Carmel River and the loss of native streamside vegetation. The IRP program included fish rescue, irrigation of riparian vegetation, and increased releases from San Clemente Dam. In 1990 the IRP was replaced by the Mitigation Program that arose from the 1990 Water Allocation Program Environmental Impact Report. The formal Mitigation Program began in July 1991 with the new fiscal year (FY) and was reinforced by the State Water Resources Control Board Order WR 95-10 that was issued in July 1995. The District reaffirmed its commitment to the Mitigation Program by passing Resolution 2004-03 which states that the District will continue the mitigation program.

The Mitigation Program focuses on impacts related to fisheries, riparian vegetation and wildlife, and the Carmel River Lagoon, and includes special status species and aesthetics. Activities required to avoid or substantially reduce negative impacts to the environment include: Irrigation and erosion prevention programs; fishery enhancement programs; establishing flow releases from the existing dam to protect the fish and riparian habitat; monitoring and managing groundwater supplies in Carmel Valley and in the Seaside Groundwater Basin; monitoring surface and groundwater water quality; reducing municipal water demand through water conservation; and regulating activities within the Carmel River riparian corridor.

Annual Reports

The Mitigation Program is a required component of the MPWMD Water Allocation Program Environmental Impact Report that was certified by the District Board in November 1990. Each year, a detailed Annual Report is prepared that describes the District’s specific mitigation activities, data collected, and results. In addition, observed trends and conclusions are presented.

Reporting years generally cover the period from July 1 through June 30, and are consistent with the District’s Fiscal Years. Exceptions include water production data and consumption data, which are reported by Water Year (October 1 through September 30). See the complete reports for Reporting Year 1998 to the present.