February 23, 2012 2012-01 Declaring March 12-18, 2012, to be “Fix A Leak Week”
March 19, 2012 2012-02 To Apply for Fisheries Restoration Grant Program Funding and Authorize the General Manager to Enter Into Contracts with the California Department of Fish and Game
April 16, 2012 2012-03 Adopting Guidelines for the Submission and Tabulation of Protests in Connection with Fee and Charge Hearings Conducted Pursuant to Article XIID, Section 6 of the California Constitution
April 16, 2012 2012-04 Approving the Full Implementation of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Water Project 2
May 21, 2012 2012-05 Approving Membership in the ACWA Joint Powers Insurance Authority, Consenting to Join the Health Benefits Program of the ACWA Joint Powers Insurance Authority, Ratifying the Action of the ACWA Health Benefits Authority Board of Directors to Terminate the Health Benefits Authority Joint Powers Agreement, and Authorizing and Directing the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District to Execute All Necessary Documents
June 27, 2012 2012-06 Directing Collection and Remittance of the Annual Water Supply Charge to Fund Water Supply Services, Facilities, and Activities that Benefit the California-American Water Distribution System in Accord with District Ordinance No. 152
June 27, 2012 2012-07 Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year 2012-13
June 19, 2012 2012-08 Authorizing Staff to Apply for Grant Funds for Feasibility Analysis of Expansion of the Seaside Groundwater Basin Aquifer Storage and Recovery Groundwater Management Program
June 19, 2012 2012-09 Establishing an Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2012-13
July 16, 2012 2012-10 Certifying Compliance with State Law
August 20, 2012 2012-11 To Obtain Credit with Bank of America
September 17, 2012 2012-12 Supporting Water Efficiency through Adoption of Best Management Practices Resources for Residential and Non-Residential Users
September 17, 2012 2012-13 Modifying Rule 162 – Regulatory Production Targets for California American Water Systems
December 10, 2012 2012-14 Declaring the Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures from the Proceeds of Tax Exempt Securities
December 10, 2012 2012-15 Approving Obtaining a Loan with Rabobank, N.A. in an Amount Not-To-Exceed $4 Million for Aquifer Storage Recovery Costs