November 19, 2018 | 2018-21 | Amending Table 2: Non-Residential Water Use Factors |
October 15, 2018 | 2018-20 | Amending the MPWMD Conflict of Interest Code |
September 17, 2018 | 2018-19 | Modifying Rule 160 – Regulatory Production Targets for California American Water Systems |
July 16, 2018 | 2018-18 | Declaring Monterey County Zoning Ordinance Inapplicable to the Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility Upgrade |
July 16, 2018 | 2018-17 | Certifying Addendum 4 to the Aquifer Storage and Recovery EIR/EA |
July 16, 2018 | 2018-16 | Certifying Addendum No. 3 to the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility Raw Water Intake and Water Supply System Upgrade |
July 16, 2018 | 2018-15 | Adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Approving the Los Padres Dam Gravel Augmentation Program |
June 18, 2018 | 2018-14 | Update Rule 24, Table 3: Capacity Fee History |
June 18, 2018 | 2018-13 | Establishing an Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 |
June 18, 2018 | 2018-12 | Certifying Compliance with State Law with Respect to the Levying of General and Special Taxes, Assessments, and Property-Related Fees and Charges |
June 18, 2018 | 2018-11 | Ordering an Election, Requesting County Election to Conduct the Election, and Requesting Consolidation of the Election |
June 18, 2018 | 2018-10 | Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 |
May 21, 2018 | 2018-09 | Modifying Rule 160 – Physical Storage Target for Remainder of Water Year 2018 and All of Water Year 2019 |
May 21, 2018 | 2018-08 | Ordering an Election, Requesting County Elections to Conduct the Election, and Requesting Consolidation of the Election |
May 21, 2018 | 2018-07 | Ordering an Election in Voter Divisions 1 and 2, Requesting County Elections to Conduct the Election, and Requesting Consolidation of the Election |
March 19, 2018 | 2018-06 | Declaring March 19-25, 2018 to be “Fix A Leak Week” |
March 19, 2018 | 2018-05 | Interpreting Condition 2 of SWRCB Order WR 2009-0060 and Directing Jurisdictions within the District and California American Water to Apply this Interpretation |
March 19, 2018 | 2018-04 | Certifying Findings of Environmental Review Adopting an Addendum to the Carmel River Management Program Environmental Impact Report and Approving the Carmel River Bank Stabilization Project at Rancho San Carlos Road |
February 22, 2018 | 2018-03 | Certifying Findings of Environmental Review Adopting an Addendum to the Carmel River Management Program Environmental Impact Report and Approving the Carmel River Bank Stabilization Project at Rancho San Carlos Road |
February 22, 2018 | 2018-02 | To Authorize the General Manager to Enter Into a Contract with the California State Coastal Conservancy for Reimbursement of Expenses to Carry Out Construction of the Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility Upgrade |
January 24, 2018 | 2018-01 | To Apply for Fisheries Restoration Grant Program Funding and Authorize the General Manager to Enter into Contracts with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Resolutions prior to 2006 are on file at the District office and pdfs can be provided upon request.