Board Of Directors

Alvin Edwards / Division 1

Alvin Edwards / Division 1“I support the District’s efforts to increase the Monterey Peninsula water supply. I will continue to support the development of ground water storage in the Seaside Groundwater Basin through our Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project, and request the expansion of Pure Water Monterey recycled water project by Monterey One Water and the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, so we can remove State Water Resources Order 95-10 from the Peninsula. I also support the need for local control of our water to control high water costs.”



Finance and Administration Committee, Committee Member
Public Outreach Committee, Alternate 
Water Demand Committee, Committee Member
Legislative Advocacy Committee, Alternate
Water Supply Planning Committee, Committee Chair
Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project Governance Committee, Representative
Seaside Groundwater Basin Watermaster, Alternate


Alvin Edwards was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. After high school he enlisted in the United State Army and served for 10 years before being awarded an Honorable Discharge at Fort Ord California in 1983.  Alvin then decided to make Seaside his new home. While raising two sons Alvin worked at the Naval Postgraduate School in the City of Monterey in the Security and Fire Departments.

While employed at the Naval Postgraduate School, Alvin also attended Monterey Peninsula College. There, he received two Associate in Science degrees for Fire Science and Administration of Justice.

Following his time at the Naval Postgraduate School, Alvin was hired by City of Seaside Fire Department as a firefighter in 1989. Shortly after starting his employment for the Fire Department, Alvin continued his educational pursuits at Monterey Peninsula College receiving two more degrees; an Associate in Arts Degree for Business-General and a second for General Education.

While working for the City of Seaside Fire Department, Alvin was elected to the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Board of Directors in 1997 to represent Division 1 and was subsequently re-elected on 2001, 2005 and 2009.

Alvin served as Board Chair in 2004 and chaired the Administrative Committee between 2004 and 2009. He also chaired the Rules and Regulations Review Committee in 2004 and again between 2008 and 2010. Additionally, Alvin served on the Local Liaison, Public Outreach, Water Demand, and Water Supply Planning Committees during his 13-year tenure as Division 1 Director.

Alvin’s service to the community extended beyond the Water Management District as he was elected to City of Seaside’s City Council in November 2010 where he served for 4 years. After working for 22 years for the City of Seaside Fire Department, Alvin retired as a Fire Captain in December 2010.

In November 2018 Alvin Edwards was elected back to Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Board of Directors.